Monday 29 April 2013

Last Market of the Season

We will be at Pyrmont this Saturday from 7am selling the last of this season's garlic. Loose garlic can no longer be purchased from the website (until, of course, the new season) so this is the last chance for the best garlic in Australia.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

New Shed

A new plot of garlic deserves a new shed. 

Here at the back of the property there's a nice expanse which has been filled with the new plot of garlic and its very own personalised shed to hold the forage harvester , do all the cleaning of the garlic and store it for drying.

The forage harvester is the orange machine which can be seen in the 3rd photo. It's basically a huge lawn mower with a trailer to catch the clippings. The clippings are used to mulch the garlic. We generally try to get the grasses from the swamp that runs through the property as it doesn't produce many seeds and fewer weeds grow. The swamp usually dries up in the summer but these last few years have been rather wet therefore we've had lots of weeds.

Tuesday 2 April 2013


The garlic is in the ground and mulched. There is nothing more to do except water and wait for the weeds to poke their heads through. Garlic is a brilliant crop which yields well over a small acreage and involves very little work over the winter months. Getting the garlic in early gives it a good strong foothold before the winter sets in and allows one to get on with more important things - like rock climbing.

Little garlic popping through.

One of the 2 main fields.

The other field.

Some of last years garlic coming through. It would be possible to harvest this for sale but as the ground hasn't been properly prepared mulch put down the garlic will probably end up being quite small.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Last Years Harvest

The garlic has been harvested and is having its roots cut off and outer layers peeled off.